Rhus typhina


Staghorn sumach. A small suckering North American tree, growing 10 m (32 ft) high (3 m in 10 years). The fruits can be steeped in water to make a lemonade-like refreshing drink; the fruits can also be eaten cooked. Dyes are obtained from the fruit and leaves, leaves and bark are used for tanning, the hollowed branches can be used as pipes, it is a good bee plant and also suitable for hedging and windbreaks. Several medicinal uses. Dioecious; likes a well drained soil and a position in sun or part shade; hardy to about -35°C. Stratification: WS2+CS13. Number of seeds: 60.

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Staghorn sumach. A small suckering North American tree, growing 10 m (32 ft) high (3 m in 10 years). The fruits can be steeped in water to make a lemonade-like refreshing drink; the fruits can also be eaten cooked. Dyes are obtained from the fruit and leaves, leaves and bark are used for tanning, the hollowed branches can be used as pipes, it is a good bee plant and also suitable for hedging and windbreaks. Several medicinal uses. Dioecious; likes a well drained soil and a position in sun or part shade; hardy to about -35°C. Stratification: WS2+CS13