Levisticum officinale


Lovage. Perennial to 2 m (7 ft) high. All parts are strongly aromatic with a yeasty-celery flavour and make a good celery-substitute. Likes a moist soil and a position in sun or part shade.

Out of stock (For plants, a selection of summer/warm-weather plants is available June/July and our main stock list from August, for autumn/winter delivery)


Lovage. A vigorous, deep-rooted, large perennial growing to 2 m (7 ft) high. All parts are strongly aromatic with a yeasty-celery flavour and make a good celery-substitute; the young stems and leaves are usually used (raw or cooked) but roots and seeds are also edible. Attractive to bees and hoverflies. Likes a moist soil and a position in sun or part shade; hardy to -25°C.

Additional information

Weight 1.00 kg