Alnus glutinosa


Common or European alder. The native British alder, a fast-growing large tree eventually reaching 25m (80 ft+). One of the best nitrogen-fixing species to use in damp or wet areas with good light. Excellent in hedges and windbreaks, with growth of 1m (3 ft) per year common for the first 10 years. Good source of pollen for honey and bumble bees in February and March. Several dyes are obtained from parts of the plant and the bark was used for tanning. The timber is traditionally used for charcoal and gunpowder, pumps and sluices, clogs and carving; furniture and plywood. Hardy to -30°C or more. Stratification: CS8. Number of seeds: 100.

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Common or European alder. The native British alder, a fast-growing large tree eventually reaching 25m (80 ft+). One of the best nitrogen-fixing species to use in damp or wet areas with good light. Excellent in hedges and windbreaks, with growth of 1m (3 ft) per year common for the first 10 years. Good source of pollen for honey and bumble bees in February and March. Several dyes are obtained from parts of the plant and the bark was used for tanning. The timber is traditionally used for charcoal and gunpowder, pumps and sluices, clogs and carving; furniture and plywood. Hardy to -30°C or more. Stratification: CS8