Fact Sheets
Factsheet P23: Voles
£1.00Available -
Factsheet P24: Woolly aphid of apple
£1.00Available -
Factsheet P25: Deer and rabbits
£1.50Available -
Factsheet P26: American gooseberry mildew
£1.00Available -
Factsheet P27: Damping off diseases
£1.00Available -
Factsheet P28: Plum pox virus
£1.00Available -
Factsheet S01: Zanthoxylum spp. – temperate pepper trees
£1.50Available -
Factsheet S02: Alder – Alnus glutinosa
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Factsheet S03: Juniper
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Factsheet S04: Small leaved lime – Tilia cordata
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Factsheet S05: Silver birch – Betula pendula
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Factsheet S06: Gaultheria species
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Factsheet S07: Edible tree saps
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Factsheet S08: Black locust – Robinia pseudoacacia
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Factsheet S09: Wych elm – Ulmus glabra
£1.00Available -
Factsheet S10: Sycamore
£1.00Available -
Factsheet S11: Barberries (Berberis spp.)
£2.00Available -
Factsheet S12: New Zealand flax – Phormium tenax
£1.00Available -
Factsheet S13: Rowan – Sorbus aucuparia
£1.00Available -
Factsheet S14: Honey locust – Gleditsia triacanthos
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Factsheet S15: Yew – Taxus baccata
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Factsheet S16: Soap plants
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Factsheet S17: Elaeagnus species
£1.50Available -
Factsheet S18: Mycorrhizas