Fact Sheets
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F27 Acca (Feijoa) sellowiana – Pineapple guava. (V9/3).
F06 Actinidia arguta – Hardy kiwi. (V1/4).
F30 Akebia – chocolate vines. (V10/1).
F05 Amelanchier spp. – Juneberries. (V1/3).
F11 Arbutus unedo – Strawberry tree. (V3/4).
F34 Arctostaphylos – the manzanitas (V11/1).
F36 Aronia – the chokeberries. (V11/2).
F08 Asimina triloba – Pawpaw. (V2/2).
F23 Blueberries. (V8/1).
F09 Cephalotaxus spp. – Plum yews. (V2/4).
F40 Chaenomeles – Oriental quinces (V12/4).
F14 Citrus and citrange, hardy. (V5/1).
F18 Cornelian cherry – Cornus mas. (V6/2).
F22 Cornus species of use. (V7/4).
F29 Crab apples. (V9/2).
F28 Cranberries. (V9/2).
F25 Cudrania tricuspidata – Chinese mulberry (V8/4).
F31 Decaisnea fargesii – Blue bean. (V10/2).
F15 Diospyros kaki – the kaki persimmon. (V5/2).
F13 Diospyros lotus – the date plum. (V4/4).
F12 Diospyros virginiana – American persimmon. (V4/3).
F16 Elder – Sambucus species. (V6/2).
F20 Figs. (V6/3).
F24 Grapes. (V8/3).
F21 Hawthorns – edible (Crataegus spp.). (V7/3).
F07 Hippophae rhamnoides – sea buckthorn. (V2/1).
F33 Japanese wineberry. (V10/4).
F39 Lonicera caerulea – blue honeysuckle (V12/4).
F38 Loquats (V12/3).
F03 Mahonia spp. – Oregon grape (V1/2).
F01 Medlars. (V1/1).
F02 Mulberries. (V1/2).
F10 Poncirus trifoliata. (V3/3).
F32 Pseudocydonia sinensis – Chinese quince. (V10/3).
F17 Quince – Cydonia oblonga. (V6/2).
F37 Rhubarb (V11/4).
F35 Ribes – the currant & gooseberry family. (V11/1).
F19 Sorbus domestica. (V6/2).
F04 Sorbus torminalis – Wild service tree. (V1/2).
F41 Vaccinium – the blueberry family. (V13/1).
F26 Ziziphus jujube – Jujube. (V9/1).
N06 Almonds. (V6/4).
N01 Araucaria araucana – Monkey puzzle tree. (V2/1).
N12 Carya illinoinensis – Northern pecans. (V10/1).
N05 Carya species – Hickories. (V6/1).
N11 Carya spp. – Hicans. (V9/4).
N14 Castanea pumila – chinkapin. (V10/3).
N16 Castanopsis & Chrysolepis (V12/2).
N15 Gevuina avellana – Chilean hazel. (V11/3).
N03 Gingko biloba. (V3/2).
N08 Juglans ailantifolia cordiformis – Heartnuts. (V7/2).
N07 Juglans cinerea – Butternuts. (V7/1).
N04 Oaks with edible acorns. (V5/4).
N02 Pine nuts. (V3/1).
N13 Staphylea – the bladdernuts. (V10/2).
N10 Torreya species. (V8/2).
N09 Xanthoceras sorbifolium – Yellowhorn. (V7/4).
S32 Alliums. (V10/2).
S02 Alnus glutinosa – Alder. (V1/1).
S25 Alnus rubra – Red alder. (V8/1).
S37 Asclepias – the milkweeds.
S30 Basketry plants. (V10/1).
S22 Basketry willows. (V6/1).
S11 Berberis spp. – Barberries. (V3/2).
S05 Betula pendula – Silver birch. (V2/1).
S41 Calycanthus – American allspice. (V11/3).
S27 Caragana arborescens – Siberian pea tree. (V8/4).
S42 Carpobrotus edulis – Hottentot fig. (V11/4).
S38 Cork & cork oaks. (V11/2).
S07 Edible tree saps. (V2/3).
S17 Elaeagnus species. (V4/3).
S33 Eleutherococcus senticosus – Siberian ginseng. (V10/2).
S47 Fibre sources from bark. (V13/3).
S31 Fragaria: Strawberry species. (V10/2).
S19 Fraxinus excelsior – Ash. (V5/2).
S06 Gaultheria species. (V2/2).
S14 Gleditsia triacanthos – Honey locust. (V3/4).
S24 Hovenia dulcis – Japanese raisin tree. (V8/1).
S03 Juniper. (V1/3).
S34 Juniperus: The junipers. (V10/3).
S46 Lime bast cordage. (V13/3).
S44 Metasequioa glyptostroboides – dawn redwood (V12/4).
S18 Mycorrhizas. (V4/4).
S21 Myrica species – Bayberries. (V6/1).
S20 Panax spp. – Ginseng. (V5/3).
S12 Phormium tenax – New Zealand flax. (V3/2).
S28 Populus: The poplars (V 8/4).
S40 Pueraria lobata – Kudzu. (V11/3).
S26 Rhus species – the Sumachs. (V8/2).
S08 Robinia pseudoacacia – Black locust. (V2/3).
S39 Sequioa: The North American Redwoods (V11/2).
S16 Soap plants. (V4/3).
S13 Sorbus aucuparia – Rowan. (V3/2).
S35 Strawberries. (V10/3).
S10 Sycamore. (V3/1).
S43 Taxus – the yews (V12/2).
S15 Taxus baccata – Yew. (V4/2).
S04 Tilia cordata – Small leaved lime. (V1/4).
S23 Tilia platyphyllos – Large leaved lime. (V6/2).
S09 Ulmus glabra – Wych elm. (V2/4).
S45 Urtica dioica – the nettle. (V13/3).
S36 Viburnums. (V10/4).
S29 Vitex agnus castus – Chaste tree. (V9/2).
S01 Zanthoxylum spp. – temperate pepper trees. (V1/1).
P05 Apple powdery mildew. (V7/1).
P06 Bacterial canker of plum & cherry. (V7/2).
P13 Bitter pit. (V9/3).
P07 Brown rot. (V7/3).
P02 Canker of apple and pear. (V6/2).
P03 Codling moth. (V6/3).
P14 Crown gall. (V9/2).
P01 Fireblight. (V6/1).
P11 Grey mold – Botrytis cinerea. (V8/3).
P08 Honey fungus. (V7/4).
P15 Ink disease. (V9/4).
P18 Peach leaf curl. (V10/3).
P12 Plum fruit moth. (V9/1).
P19 Replant diseases. (V10/4).
P22 Rooks and Crows (V11/4).
P04 Scab of apple and pear. (V6/4).
P20 Shothole of stone fruit. (V11/1).
P10 Silverleaf. (V8/2).
P17 Squirrels. (V10/2).
P09 Vine weevil. (V8/1).
P23 Voles (V12/4).
P21 Wasps. (V11/2).
P16 Water core of apple & pear. (V10/1).
Factsheet F01: Medlars
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Factsheet F02: Mulberries
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Factsheet F03: The Mahonias
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Factsheet F04: Wild service tree – Sorbus torminalis
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Factsheet F05: Juneberries – Amelanchier spp.
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Factsheet F06: Hardy kiwi – Actinidia arguta
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Factsheet F07: Hippophae rhamnoides – sea buckthorn
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Factsheet F08: Pawpaw – Asimina triloba
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Factsheet F09: Plum yews – Cephalotaxus spp.
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Factsheet F10: Poncirus trifoliata
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Factsheet F11: Strawberry tree – Arbutus unedo
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Factsheet F12: Diospyros virginiana – American persimmon
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Factsheet F13: Diospyros lotus – the date plum
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Factsheet F14: Citrus and citrange, hardy
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Factsheet F15: Diospyros kaki – the kaki persimmon
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Factsheet F16: Elder – Sambucus species
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Factsheet F17: Quince – Cydonia oblonga
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Factsheet F18: Cornelian cherry – Cornus mas
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Factsheet F19: Sorbus domestica
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Factsheet F20: Figs
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Factsheet F21: Hawthorns – edible (Crataegus spp.)
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Factsheet F22: Cornus species of use
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Factsheet F23: Blueberries
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Factsheet F24: Grapes