International Forest Garden / Food Forest Symposium
Online 31 May-4 June 2021
and on-demand
Symposium exhibitors
Plant nurseries

Agroforestry Research Trust (UK)
We grow and sell a large range of seeds, a huge range of plants, and books etc. We also run courses and undertake design consultancy.
Web: www.agroforestry.co.uk
FB: https://www.facebook.com/agroforestry.co.uk

Deaflora Aromagartnerei (Germany)
We Sell an interesting selecting of unusual edible plants and seeds, to Germany and EU.
Web: www.deaflora.de

We are specialised in growing special and forgotten vegetables, herbs and small fruit. In a small-scale and ecologically-responsible way, we grow less common vegetables that deserve a place in your garden and on your plate.
Web: www.denoudekastanje.bek
FB: www.facebook.com/denoudekastanje

Online seed and plant nursery, edible garden design
Email: mark@otterfarm.co.uk
Web: www.otterfarm.co.uk
FB: www.facebook.com/otterfarm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OtterFarmUK
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/otter.farm/

The Polyculture Project (Bulgaria)
Our project mission is to develop and promote practices that can produce food and other resources for humans while enhancing biodiversity. We work towards accomplishing this by;
-Researching, designing, and implementing systems on the ground, with an emphasis on perennial polycultures.
-Providing working examples of our designs at our sites open for the public to visit
-Providing high-quality education and training to aspiring growers, landscapers, and landowners
-Providing consultancy and design for landowners and farmers across Europe
-Practising an open-source policy, disseminating our results freely, and sharing our work on our blog.
We are based in southeast Europe and our work is relevant to anyone who lives, gardens, farms, grows in Temperate and Mediterranean climates anywhere on the planet.
Web: https://www.balkep.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/balkanecologyproject/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Balkep
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/thepolycultureproject/?hl=en

Kwekerij Arborealis (Netherlands)
Nursery with a wide range of plants, we grow an extensive range of edible plants for foodforests.
Web: https://www.arborealis.nl
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kwekerij.arborealis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Balkep
Insta: https://instagram.com/kwekerijarborealis

One of the first American nurseries to specialise in unusual edibles, still going strong.
Email: info@ediblelandscaping.com
Web: www.ediblelandscaping.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/EdibleLandscaping/

Founded by Paul Barney, Edulis is tucked away in a walled garden in the Thames Valley near Pangbourne. Inspired by Bill Mollison in the 80s, the nursery grows an eclectic mix of rare plants, including a large selection of unusual edible plants as well as many rare shady plants. Most plants in the nursery are hardy and relatively easy to grow. Paul has searched and selected a good range of edible plants not seen in your local garden centre.
Web: www.edulis.co.uk

Ernie Grimo has been breeding and propagating nuts trees for over 45 years. We continue today to find the best and hardiest selections for our northern climate. We have introduced trees from North America, Europe and parts of Asia to test here. We test all of the cultivars in our 10 acre orchard to determine the best selections for our nursery production. In this way our customers are getting the best selections available.

We differ from most modern businesses in that our primary objective is not to make huge profits, but to provide plants we feel good about and to make an honest, simple living. Using sustainable agriculture principles, we remain small and rely mainly on our own labor. Our quality, disease-resistant plants are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers or poisonous sprays. Often our bottom line is not cost, but environmental impact. We encourage you to grow no or low spray fruits in your yard to help cut back on world pesticide use and the petroleum it takes to truck food across the country, and to foster your good health.
This keeps us very busy, but it does allow us to work the land we live on and to have personal contact with many of our customers. When you communicate with either of us, you are in touch with the same person who propagates, grows, digs, and ships your plants. Testing what we sell, we try to share what we learn with others. We welcome questions and observations.
Email: hiddenspringsnursery@hotmail.com
Web: www.hiddenspringsnursery.com

Nursery selling an interesting selection of unusual edible plants.
Web: http://www.hortensis.de

Our aim is to offer our customers a wide range of unusual fruiting plants, trees, shrubs and perennials including a number of natives, some that are otherwise quite difficult to come by and all produced here in the nursery.
Web: www.korewildfruitnursery.co.uk/

Email: pepinieres.coulie@gmail.com
Web: http://coulie.com

Pépinières Louis Gauthier (France)
Established for more than 50 years in the heart of Provence, a
region of predilection for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, GAUTHIER Nurseries produce a wide variety of fruit trees as well as a large range of alignment trees, shade trees, of hedge plants, ornamental trees and shrubs.
Web: https://www.pepiniereslouisgauthier.fr/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/P%C3%A9pinieres-louis-Gauthier-106834740687428

Seed and plant nursery growing a huge range of edible and medicinal species.
Web: http://www.kraeuter-und-duftpflanzen.de
FB: https://www.facebook.com/R%C3%BChlemanns-Kr%C3%A4uter-und-Duftpflanzen-174138932609866/

Simeon Koliashev (Bulgaria)
Email: plants_sak@abv.bg

At Tripple Brook Farm we strive to make our gardens as productive, attractive, and interesting as possible – and to help others do the same with their gardens. We are a small nursery, but we currently offer over 100 species of plants for sale. Some of these are commonly available from other commercial sources, while many others are harder to find. Many of the plants which we list are natives (meaning, for our purposes, native to some portion of eastern and central North America, east of the Rockies.)
Web: www.tripplebrookfarm.com

Richters has been growing and selling herbs since 1969. Our first catalogue dedicated to herbs came out in 1970. We have lived, worked and breathed herbs ever since.

Fruit Tree Nursery SCHAFNASE (Austria)
Email: info@schafnase.at
Web: www.biobaumschule.schafnase.at

Potager des Gourmets (France)
Set up in 1996 to provide herbs salad plants and edible flowers for local restaurant trade,
Certified organic in 1997 (ECOCERT) , and later micro nursery for local gardeners.
For 5 years concentrating more on perennial edibles and system plants . Nursery in final year
before retirement . Hopefully leaving more time to concentrate on small forest garden started
5 years ago and to continue visits, plant exchanges.
Email: mike321h@gmail.com

Organic tree nursery specialized in productive nut varieties and other perennial edibles for temperate climates.
Specialized in Castanea, Corylus, Juglans, Pinus, Prunus, Quercus species and varieties.
Agroforestry design and advice from a trees for farmers expert.
The nursery and agroforestry consultancy are part of the operations of ‘De Lommerte’.
De Lommerte is an organic farm with on farm sale. We raise beef cattle, outdoor pigs and poultry in a silvopasture setting (further to be developed).
Email: info@delommerte.be
Web: http://www.delommerte.be
FB: www.facebook.com/delommerte
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/delommerte

Email: info@futureforests.ie
Web: https://www.futureforests.ie
FB: https://www.facebook.com/futureforestsireland/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/futureforestsireland/

Seed suppliers

Agroforestry Research Trust (UK)
We grow and sell a large range of seeds, a huge range of plants, and books etc. We also run courses and undertake design consultancy.
Web: www.agroforestry.co.uk
FB: https://www.facebook.com/agroforestry.co.uk

Deaflora Aromagartnerei (Germany)
We Sell an interesting selecting of unusual edible plants and seeds, to Germany and EU.
Web: www.deaflora.de

Online seed and plant nursery, edible garden design
Email: mark@otterfarm.co.uk
Web: www.otterfarm.co.uk
FB: www.facebook.com/otterfarm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OtterFarmUK
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/otter.farm/

Ernie Grimo has been breeding and propagating nuts trees for over 45 years. We continue today to find the best and hardiest selections for our northern climate. We have introduced trees from North America, Europe and parts of Asia to test here. We test all of the cultivars in our 10 acre orchard to determine the best selections for our nursery production. In this way our customers are getting the best selections available.

Seed and plant nursery growing a huge range of edible and medicinal species.
Web: http://www.kraeuter-und-duftpflanzen.de
FB: https://www.facebook.com/R%C3%BChlemanns-Kr%C3%A4uter-und-Duftpflanzen-174138932609866/

Richters has been growing and selling herbs since 1969. Our first catalogue dedicated to herbs came out in 1970. We have lived, worked and breathed herbs ever since.

Seed company with a huge listing of thousands of trees, shrubs, perennials and other species.
Web: www.b-and-t-world-seeds.com

A Public-access seed bank listing many rare and unusual species.
Web: https://www.jlhudsonseeds.net/

Sheffield's Seed Company (USA)
At any given time we have over 2,200 seed lots in stock and ready for shipment. We have another 1,200 that we are always actively sourcing. In addition we have over 10,000 that we can source for special order customers. This may well be the most extensive listing of seeds in the world!
Web: https://sheffields.com
Course providers

Agroforestry Research Trust (UK)
We grow and sell a large range of seeds, a huge range of plants, and books etc. We also run courses and undertake design consultancy.
Web: www.agroforestry.co.uk
FB: https://www.facebook.com/agroforestry.co.uk

Medicinal Forest Garden Trust (UK)
The Medicinal Forest Garden Trust based in the UK aims to encourage the sustainable cultivation and harvest of medicinal trees and shrubs. Many native and introduced trees and shrubs can provide healing benefits. The Trust provides an online design course and more information for growers is available through our website.
Web: https://medicinalforestgardentrust.org/

The Polyculture Project (Bulgaria)
Our project mission is to develop and promote practices that can produce food and other resources for humans while enhancing biodiversity. We work towards accomplishing this by;
-Researching, designing, and implementing systems on the ground, with an emphasis on perennial polycultures.
-Providing working examples of our designs at our sites open for the public to visit
-Providing high-quality education and training to aspiring growers, landscapers, and landowners
-Providing consultancy and design for landowners and farmers across Europe
-Practising an open-source policy, disseminating our results freely, and sharing our work on our blog.
We are based in southeast Europe and our work is relevant to anyone who lives, gardens, farms, grows in Temperate and Mediterranean climates anywhere on the planet.
Web: https://www.balkep.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/balkanecologyproject/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Balkep
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/thepolycultureproject/?hl=en

Applewood is a 20 acre smallholding and as well as a training centre it is home to Looby and Chris and their family. We have had the place since July 2016 so we are in the early days of observation and design ideas for setting this up as a demonstration centre.
Web: https://applewoodcourses.com/

Keela was started by Laurence and Kimberly Manchee who want to see a healthier, happier world through the practice of Permaculture, sustainability, reforestation, Yoga, and producing food.

For the past 25 years, as a Global Permaculture Ambassador, Morag Gamble has led programs in 22 countries. Local food systems and permaculture education have seen her teach in communities and universities around the globe.
Morag lives amidst an award-winning permaculture education garden in a UN recognised permaculture village, and works with city farmers, school farmers, community gardeners, and educators. She sees the direct social and ecological impact of industrial farming on marginalised farming communities around the world - in Indonesia, India and most recently in East Africa.
Web: https://www.moraggamble.com/

Courses (foodforest, passive greenhouse, plant propagation)
Foodforest Design
Web: https://www.devoedselboss.nl
FB: https://www.facebook.com/devoedselboss
Insta: https://instagram.com/de_voedselboss/

CircleEcology – voedselbossen en
eetbaar groen (Netherlands)
“CircleEcology voedselbossen & eetbaar groen” is offering food forest short courses, professional training, design consultancy and hands-on experience, and contributes to research and publications. The company was founded by Malika Cieremans, who carries over twenty years of knowledge and experience in food forests, natural forests as well as ecosystem restoration in temperate climates (from the Russian taiga to Portugal). We mostly work with private, NGO, government or community-based food forests between 0,5 and several hectares (1 to 10 acres), primarily aimed at self-sufficiency, nature values and/or social activities.
• Education & tours:
Food forest training courses, for beginners and advanced
Food forest guided tours
• Design:
Food forest design and consultancy for landowners and users
• Experimental Food Forest: www.Voedselrijk.nl
Development & maintenance of a food forest in an existing wood plantation
• Research & knowledge development:
Publications, policy papers, monitoring
Web: www.circleecology.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/circleecology
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/circle.ecology
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MalikaCi
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malikacieremans/

Created in 2011, La Forêt Nourricière's mission is to develop permaculture in temperate climates and to support
the transition towards humanistic and ecological values, through research and the transmission of knowledge.
From the design of garden-forests, edible hedges or permaculture orchards through assertive communication and
collaborative governance.
La Forêt Nourricière creates synergies between the different mineral, fungal, plant, animal and human kingdoms,
drawing inspiration from ancestral knowledge as well as the most modern discoveries.
At La Forêt Nourricière, 4 activities coexist:
Permaculture training, the design office that supports project leaders,
publishing and research around plant and human synergies.
Web: https://www.laforetnourriciere.org/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LaForetNourriciere/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/la_foret_nourriciere/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/laforetnourriciere

Garden Juju Collective (Australia / UK / US)
Dr Charlie Brennan and Bridget O’Brien are co-founders of
Garden Juju Collective offering design, consultation,
mentoring, a range of innovative workshops and project
implementation. These are available online and they both
travel widely. They are also co-creators of the design
process game and permaculture teaching tool, "Adapt".
Web: http://www.gardenjujucollective.com /
http://www.charliebrennan.info /
http://www.playadapt.com /
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Garden-Juju-Collective-757825881215804
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GardenJujuCtive
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/gardenjujucollective/
Linkedin: https://au.linkedin.com/in/dr-charlie-brennan-13485728

- landscape design
- co-design processes, participatory approaches
- urban permaculture and urban agroforestry experiments
- training in permaculture, forest-gardening, agro-ecology
- forest-garden nursery
Web: http://www.les-saprophytes.org
FB: Saprophyte Phyte

Consultancy providers

Agroforestry Research Trust (UK)
We grow and sell a large range of seeds, a huge range of plants, and books etc. We also run courses and undertake design consultancy.
Web: www.agroforestry.co.uk
FB: https://www.facebook.com/agroforestry.co.uk

Online seed and plant nursery, edible garden design
Email: mark@otterfarm.co.uk
Web: www.otterfarm.co.uk
FB: www.facebook.com/otterfarm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OtterFarmUK
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/otter.farm/

The Polyculture Project (Bulgaria)
Our project mission is to develop and promote practices that can produce food and other resources for humans while enhancing biodiversity. We work towards accomplishing this by;
-Researching, designing, and implementing systems on the ground, with an emphasis on perennial polycultures.
-Providing working examples of our designs at our sites open for the public to visit
-Providing high-quality education and training to aspiring growers, landscapers, and landowners
-Providing consultancy and design for landowners and farmers across Europe
-Practising an open-source policy, disseminating our results freely, and sharing our work on our blog.
We are based in southeast Europe and our work is relevant to anyone who lives, gardens, farms, grows in Temperate and Mediterranean climates anywhere on the planet.
Web: https://www.balkep.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/balkanecologyproject/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Balkep
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/thepolycultureproject/?hl=en

Courses (foodforest, passive greenhouse, plant propagation)
Foodforest Design
Web: https://www.devoedselboss.nl
FB: https://www.facebook.com/devoedselboss
Insta: https://instagram.com/de_voedselboss/

CircleEcology – voedselbossen en
eetbaar groen (Netherlands)
“CircleEcology voedselbossen & eetbaar groen” is offering food forest short courses, professional training, design consultancy and hands-on experience, and contributes to research and publications. The company was founded by Malika Cieremans, who carries over twenty years of knowledge and experience in food forests, natural forests as well as ecosystem restoration in temperate climates (from the Russian taiga to Portugal). We mostly work with private, NGO, government or community-based food forests between 0,5 and several hectares (1 to 10 acres), primarily aimed at self-sufficiency, nature values and/or social activities.
• Education & tours:
Food forest training courses, for beginners and advanced
Food forest guided tours
• Design:
Food forest design and consultancy for landowners and users
• Experimental Food Forest: www.Voedselrijk.nl
Development & maintenance of a food forest in an existing wood plantation
• Research & knowledge development:
Publications, policy papers, monitoring
Web: www.circleecology.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/circleecology
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/circle.ecology
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MalikaCi
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malikacieremans/

Created in 2011, La Forêt Nourricière's mission is to develop permaculture in temperate climates and to support
the transition towards humanistic and ecological values, through research and the transmission of knowledge.
From the design of garden-forests, edible hedges or permaculture orchards through assertive communication and
collaborative governance.
La Forêt Nourricière creates synergies between the different mineral, fungal, plant, animal and human kingdoms,
drawing inspiration from ancestral knowledge as well as the most modern discoveries.
At La Forêt Nourricière, 4 activities coexist:
Permaculture training, the design office that supports project leaders,
publishing and research around plant and human synergies.
Web: https://www.laforetnourriciere.org/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LaForetNourriciere/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/la_foret_nourriciere/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/laforetnourriciere

holo- :Umbrella name and website for my various professional activities, including art
Paysage Sauvage: Landscaping services: Garden design, consultancy, creation and maintenance
Bien-être Nature: Non-profit focusing on well-being and nature, both internal and external
Research and education, including forest gardening and non-dual yoga
La Silvorte: Plant nursery, just budding, and mainly providing for Paysage Sauvage so far
Web: https://holo-inter.net/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/paysagesauvage
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/philippe-etienne-6581108

Garden Juju Collective (Australia / UK / US)
Dr Charlie Brennan and Bridget O’Brien are co-founders of
Garden Juju Collective offering design, consultation,
mentoring, a range of innovative workshops and project
implementation. These are available online and they both
travel widely. They are also co-creators of the design
process game and permaculture teaching tool, "Adapt".
Web: http://www.gardenjujucollective.com /
http://www.charliebrennan.info /
http://www.playadapt.com /
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Garden-Juju-Collective-757825881215804
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GardenJujuCtive
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/gardenjujucollective/
Linkedin: https://au.linkedin.com/in/dr-charlie-brennan-13485728

Organic tree nursery specialized in productive nut varieties and other perennial edibles for temperate climates.
Specialized in Castanea, Corylus, Juglans, Pinus, Prunus, Quercus species and varieties.
Agroforestry design and advice from a trees for farmers expert.
The nursery and agroforestry consultancy are part of the operations of ‘De Lommerte’.
De Lommerte is an organic farm with on farm sale. We raise beef cattle, outdoor pigs and poultry in a silvopasture setting (further to be developed).
Email: info@delommerte.be
Web: http://www.delommerte.be
FB: www.facebook.com/delommerte
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/delommerte

The right fodder tree(s) for the right farm animal
Wim Govaerts en Co is a consultancy that focuses on technical and economic advice for farms with ruminants (cattle, goats, sheep). The objective is to produce ground-based milk or meat with an adapted feed method, crop planning, new crops and healthy animals while the farmer is able to keep on farming.
We support livestock farmers to functionally integrate fodder trees and shrubs in their farming operations for mineral supply, endoparasite control and methane suppression. We aim to optimize animal natural behavior, health and welfare while keeping in check with labor efficiency and farm economics.
We supply farm-specific silvopasture designs and fodder tree lists, taking into account the farming system, rationing, animal mineral status and feed autonomy levels.
Web: http://www.wimgovaertsenco.be

- landscape design
- co-design processes, participatory approaches
- urban permaculture and urban agroforestry experiments
- training in permaculture, forest-gardening, agro-ecology
- forest-garden nursery
Web: http://www.les-saprophytes.org
FB: Saprophyte Phyte

Other organisations / suppliers

Agroforestry Research Trust (UK)
We grow and sell a large range of seeds, a huge range of plants, and books etc. We also run courses and undertake design consultancy.
Web: www.agroforestry.co.uk
FB: https://www.facebook.com/agroforestry.co.uk

Medicinal Forest Garden Trust (UK)
The Medicinal Forest Garden Trust based in the UK aims to encourage the sustainable cultivation and harvest of medicinal trees and shrubs. Many native and introduced trees and shrubs can provide healing benefits. The Trust provides an online design course and more information for growers is available through our website.
Web: https://medicinalforestgardentrust.org/

SCF Essences & Simply Canvas Farm (France)
SCF Essences is a business that sprouted forth out of Simply Canvas Farm. At SCF Essences we make flower essences of wild flowers, tree essences and essences of beautiful places.
Web: www.scfessences.com

Use TiCL App (ioS and Android) to create a tree map guide to help visitors explore an area on their own and discover the plants.
TiCL App points out nearby plants to visitors as they explore, and URLs that you choose link the visitors to more information about each species.
Each tree trail you create has a unique URL – a useful online map guide to your project. See here a TiCL map of the Agroforestry Research Forest Garden in Dartington https://ticl.me/Dartington/headlines/3770/view and see this video about creating and using TiCL to explore the forest garden:
TiCL Media Ltd works in partnership with The Tree Council. Creating and using these guides is free of charge. Find out more about creating a tree trail guide on The Tree Council website https://treecouncil.org.uk/tree-trial/
Web: https://ticl.me
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TiCLme
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/ticl.me/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ticlme?lang=en

Seed and plant nursery growing a huge range of edible and medicinal species.
Web: http://www.kraeuter-und-duftpflanzen.de
FB: https://www.facebook.com/R%C3%BChlemanns-Kr%C3%A4uter-und-Duftpflanzen-174138932609866/

Supplier of mycorrhizal spore mixes using edible species of fungi.
Web: www.chaosfungorum.co.uk

holo- :Umbrella name and website for my various professional activities, including art
Paysage Sauvage: Landscaping services: Garden design, consultancy, creation and maintenance
Bien-être Nature: Non-profit focusing on well-being and nature, both internal and external
Research and education, including forest gardening and non-dual yoga
La Silvorte: Plant nursery, just budding, and mainly providing for Paysage Sauvage so far
Web: https://holo-inter.net/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/paysagesauvage
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/philippe-etienne-6581108

Pomona vzw (non-profit) and cvba (cooperative farm) (Belgium)
Pomona is a cooperative agroforestry farm, founded and run by both consumers and farmers. Iis based in the Waasland region of Flanders, in between Antwerp and Ghent. Pomona is looking for partners to start similar initiatives in other regions in the country.
Pomona has a double structure, with a non-profit to support local cooperative farms in legal processes, communication and central services, and individual cooperatives as productive entities. Due Pomona’s experience and unique network within Flanders and internationally, it is well placed to support other mid-scale cooperative agroforestry initiatives.
Web: https://www.pomonacoop.be
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pomonacoop

Food from the Forest / Voedsel uit het bos (Netherlands)
An international platform promoting food forests through courses, tools and network
Food from the Forest has its roots in The Netherlands. We have been organizing professional courses and trainings for food forest owners since 2016. We have also completed two projects that created the platform and community you see before you.
On the platform you find information about 4 food forest themes, their design, their plant lists and a model of their economical revenues over time.
Also, you can monitor the many harvests of your food forest, even when it is very young. We have 5 tests: biodiversity (best done in this season), CO2 sequestration, soil composition and PH, soil animals and your economic harvest.
These so-called Citizen Science tests are scientifically sound, and monitored and validated by Wageningen University, free of charge and very simple to execute. You will immediately be rewarded with the results and can compare your food forest with other forests.
The more food forests participate, worldwide, the better our common scientific data will be!
Please monitor your food forest too and spread the word.
Web: https://voedseluithetbos.nl/en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/feedfromtheforest
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/food_from_the_forest/

Bioregional GreenWorks (International)
Bioregional GreenWorks is a global cooperative, social enterprise, start-up network on a mission to increase biodiversity and ecosystem restoration via healthy food production in urban, suburban and rural locations while simultaneously ensuring everyone has healthy, clean food and financial stability.
Products / services: Bioregional GreenWorks supports existing regenerative projects while filling gaps where need be via growing new projects for the benefit of its members and broader, local and regional, communities.
Contact: Kelly Adams
Web: https://bioregionalgreenworks.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/BioregionalGreenWorks
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/bioregionalgreenworks