
The work of the Agroforestry Research trust is funded from several sources. Self-generated income comes from sales of plants, seeds and publications, and also from course fees.

In addition, some income comes from grant-making Trusts and in donations from individuals. If you would like to support us by making a donation, you can do so in various ways:

1. Add a donation upon checking out an order in our web shop

2. Make a donation by card :

Please go to, entering the amount you wish to donate (in amount to pay) and ‘donate’ as the invoice number. 

3. You can make a donation directly to our bank account:

Account Name: Agroforestry Research Trust
Account Number: 00380462
Bank: Lloyds, 31 Fore Street, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5HH, UK
Sort Code: 30-98-69
IBAN: GB69LOYD30986900380462

4. You can also make a donation by sending your cheque to:

Agroforestry Research Trust Dartington, 46 Hunters Moon, Dartington, Totnes, TQ9 6JT, UK

Thank you very much for making a donation!

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