Factsheet S10: Sycamore


Sycamore (also called Sycamore maple, Mock plane & Great maple), Acer pseudoplatanus, is native to mountains in southern and central Europe, extending northwards to Paris and east to the Caucasus. Its time of introduction is uncertain – possibly from Roman times or later up to the 16th century. It has only become properly established and naturalised in the last 200 years. Sycamore makes up 3% of the total forest area (9% of the broadleaved forest area) in Britain, including a significant area of coppice. It is also a major constituent of hedgerows and parklands. It is one of the few introduced species which has not only become naturalised but is also spreading, especially in the lowlands. It is continuing to spread particularly in lowland ash forests and chalk beechwoods. It is most common in the north and west of Britain.

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